
【字体: 时间:2009年06月29日 来源:生物通


  生物通报道,据SicenceInsider消息,加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所(California Stem Cell Institute for Regenerative Medicine)近期出现高层的人事变动。


生物通报道,据SicenceInsider消息,加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所(California Stem Cell Institute for Regenerative Medicine)近期出现高层的人事变动。


20083月才上任的首席科学官Marie Csete已经递交辞呈,将在今年的7月离开加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所。


Marie Csete是加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所高薪聘请的首席科学操作执行官,其薪资高达30亿美元。据悉,她在辞呈中没有对离开做任何解释,也没有提及未来将有怎样的计划。


此外,在Marie Csete提出辞呈的约2周前,加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所董事会主席Robert Klein在董事会上提出,明年其6年任期将到期,他将离开加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所。


Marie Csete今年到访中国

2009512,科技部基础研究司张先恩司长会见了来访的美国加利福尼亚州再生医学研究所首席科学官玛丽亚·彻特(Marie Csete)博士。






Marie Csete简介

Marie Csete joined CIRM as Chief Scientific Officer in 2008. In this role she will support the science team in promoting the translation of stem cell biology to the clinic.


Prior to CIRM, she directed liver transplant anesthesiology teams at UCSF, UCLA, Michigan and Emory University in Atlanta. She has a long-standing clinical and research interest in the care of liver transplant patients. Most recently she was the John E. Steinhaus Professor of Anesthesiology at Emory and started the Emory/GaTech human embryonic stem cell core facility, and co-director of Emory’s MD/PhD program. Her lab work was focused on the role of the environment (particularly physiologic gases) in directing stem cell fate. Dr. Csete is a member of the United Network of Organ Sharing Ethics Committee, and serves on several editorial boards.


Marie received an AB in Music from Princeton, MD from Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, and her PhD in developmental biology from the California Institute of Technology.

(生物通 小茜)

原文:Turmoil at California Stem Cell Institute

This month has been tumultuous for the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Marie Csete, the $3 billion operation's chief scientific officer, has resigned after little more than a year, reports Consumer Watchdog.


Csete, who came to CIRM in March 2008, will leave at the end of July. Her brief letter to the board offers no explanation or indication of future plans.


Csete's announcement comes less than 2 weeks after board chairman Robert Klein told the board that he will be leaving next year at the end of his 6-year term. The move was unexpected because Klein had previously indicated that he was there for the long haul.


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